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Market Measurements.


Market Size by Volume.

The category definitions section allows the reader to determine what product segment categories the data covers. This allows the reader to view an exact snapshot of a market size. The "Total Market" category definition includes the value of projected total U.S. retail sales for each category in millions of dollars. For instance, the bottled water market value data includes the entire market for bottled water which includes 2.5 gallon sizes , 1 gallon, and 1.5 liter sizes. In general, when the market title is followed by "( Total Market )", this is an indication that data is included from multiple market segments within a specific category.

The "Sector Market"shows sales in U.S. supermarkets. Supermarkets are defined in terms of the following formats: limited assortment, warehouse, conventional, combination, Superstore, and Supercenter. However, Supercenters operated by mass merchants are omitted due to a lack of data.

Distribution Channels by Value.

Market data is broken down by retail channel where applicable. Data may be included from different sales channels to offer information of where sales are growing the fastest and the least. In general, you may see both a dollar value by channel or a percentage of sales by each sales channel within different market capsules.

Horizontal Sales Categories.

Food categories are broken down by their share of total U.S. supermarket sales.

Time Series Sales Changes.

The percentage (%) in category dollar sales in supermarkets for one year versus another year.