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Tools & Analysis
Web Screen™





















































































How to use Web Screen.

To use Webscreen™ , you simply type the information into textboxes and listboxes on the Webscreen page. You can also import and export information into your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for later viewing.

Web Screen Applications.

Web Screen™ can be used for various different research functions which includes customizing research, data analysis, statistical analysis, search and screening, filtering data, and developing specific criteria for customizable searching.

Each section on the beginning page has a specific category related to the type of research category you wish to perform in the list box. When you choose one of the data items from the list box, a screen is displayed which allows you to type in a specific criteria for the type of information you wish to analyze.

Each listed item within the text gives you a brief overview of the type of information which can be obtained from the field in the list box.

List Box Item Description  
Prospector Allows users to create mailing lists using such criteria as zip codes, MSA numbers, city, state. This screen allows users to build mailing lists and pinpoint prospects using various other criteria such as sales, earnings, assets, etc.  
Investment Allows user to customize research of stocks using a number of financial and investment criteria filters, stock ratios, financial ratios, and "what-if" scenarios.  