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October 2015  
Credits A Letter From the Editor

October 1, 2015

RE: Where we are Going...

We are in the process of making a number of minor yet important design changes to our web site. You may have already noticed a few changes over the past few weeks such as the site;'s home page and sign-in page. Though these are largely cosmetic changes, they will give the site a more contemporary look and feel while still providing best-in-class content.

In addition, over the next several months to a year or so we will be slowly implementing graphics into our core U.S. Business Reporter product along with the current tables in the web pages. Bar and pie charts adds a new insightful dimension to the current data tables we currently provide which should increase reader interests and improve content comprehension.

Finally, we are beginning to add specific features to versions which should enable us to better serve specific market segments.

These products and services continues to make U.S. Business Reporter a leader in innovative and proprietary business content for millions of users around the world.

Sol Weinstein
Editor -in-Chief, U.S. Business Reporter
Centium, Inc.

Brian F.Rogers, Chief Executive Officer
Sol Weinstein , Editor-in-Chief
Stanley Zimmerman, General Counsel
Chris Mathews, VP Creative Content
Wendy Goldstein, Web Media Sales
Eric Sellers, Staff Accountant
Mark Chambers, V.P. Research Service
Michael Hanson, Client Services
Christopher Hawkins, Publishing Services
Jennifer Peters, Client Group Services
Sarah Cohen, Application Support Services
Jeff Spears, Customer Care
Analytical Research
Ira Goldstein, Quantitative Research Dir.
Lesley Glicks, Program Research
Sue Lacey, Sr. Research Editor
Linda Cavanaugh, Research Associate
David Souter, Research Librarian
Lillian Chang, Research Specialist